It was not until the 4th century that a NT list was termed Canon.
The Church operated for 400 years at least before it had a Bible. The Church created the Bible based on what it considered to be orthodox ("right beliefs"). Beliefs created the Bible, not the other way around.
Regarding the NT writers: Paul was the chronologically first writer and his claim to fame was that Jesus visited him in visions. He says so. Paul also says that he received nothing about Jesus from other men. He says so. The earliest writers after Paul (died about 64 CE) lived about the time of Jerusleam's destruction, which is a generation after Jesus' death. No one knows the names of the Gospel writers. Only later tradition assigned names; one criterion for accepting a writing into the NT was "apostolicity", so an Apostle's name was assigned to each (apart from the Greek Luke).
There was no consciousness of a biblical canon in the first century; the earliest list was by the (supposed) heretic Marcion.
Out of interest, took at the llist of books in the earliest known Codices (and their dates). (The Jews used scrolls; the Christians used the codex format.)